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The Ultimate Guide to Travel Health (In 2024 & Beyond)

Contributed by Kevin Aghul, Health & Wellness writer.

Travel health is more important than ever.


And if you’re actively planning a trip or just thinking about it, staying healthy while traveling should be a top priority.


Between regional diseases, allergies, and a host of other ailments staying healthy on the go can be challenging!


And in a post-Covid world people want to make sure they’re safe while globetrotting.


But don’t worry because In this ultimate guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about staying healthy before, during, and after your journey.


From practical tips on nutrition and supplements, to managing stress and getting quality sleep, we've got your travel health covered.


Get ready to set sails with confidence, knowing you have the tools to stay healthy every step of the way.


Starting with staying healthy before you even step out of the door…


How To Stay Healthy Before a Trip

There’s nothing worse than ending a trip before it starts because you get sick.


Imagine canceling all of those reservations and then struggling to get refunded!


All while sick!


Thankfully, the chance of getting sick before traveling can be reduced tremendously by following a few simple steps.


Starting with taking a good look at your current level of health…


Are You as Healthy as You Think? Evaluate your current health:


How’s your diet?


Sleep schedule??


Exercise routine???


If these questions are causing you anxiety then you know you need to focus on these areas!


Diet, exercise, and sleep are the foundation for a healthy lifestyle.


So, not to be preachy, but make sure you’re:


●     eating organic food

●     getting adequate amounts of sleep


It’s easier said than done, but following those steps will ensure your immune system is ready for the rigors of traveling.


But sometimes doing everything right isn’t enough.


Depending on your lifestyle, age, and even genetics, you may need more help to stay healthy.


And that’s when supplements become crucial!


Supplements: Your Secret Weapon in Staying Healthy


Think you don’t need supplements?  Think again! 


●     45% of the US population was deficient in vitamin A

●     46% was deficient in vitamin C

●     95% was deficient in vitamin D

●     84% was deficient in vitamin E


Not to mention that the Earth’s soil is eroding and losing much of its mineral content. Meaning our foods no longer contain the levels of essential minerals, like zinc and magnesium, that they used to.


And as a result, more people are turning to supplements to fill in gaps in their diet.


But, what supplements do you need? Especially if you’re about to go on a big trip?


Consult with your healthcare provider first and ask if she can run a panel to see what you’re deficient in.


But in general you’ll want a supplement with a blend of immune-supporting nutrients, that is also highly absorbable.


Nutrients crucial for immune health include:

●     zinc

●     vitamin C

●     vitamin D & B12


Adding an immune support supplement to your health regimen is a great way to ensure you stay healthy.


But, it’s not the only way. And if you’re serious about avoiding sickness while traveling there are some other matters to consider.


Insurance, Medication, & Essentials


Hopefully your trip will go off without a hitch. But it’s better to be prepared with essentials.


Pack a first aid kit with:


●     band-aids

●     antiseptic wipes

●     pain relievers


And also bring hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and a reusable water bottle to stay clean and hydrated on the go.


Next, check if your destination requires specific vaccinations or medications.


And visit your healthcare provider well in advance to get any necessary shots and prescriptions, and bring a sufficient supply of your regular medications to last the entire trip.


Lastly, protect yourself from unexpected travel health issues by getting comprehensive travel insurance.


And make sure it covers things like:


●     medical emergencies

●     trip cancellations

●     lost luggage


Having this safety net can save you from significant stress and financial burden.


While ensuring your health, and that of your loved ones, is protected while traveling.


Ok, now you’re taking care of your health before you travel. Great!


And while preparation is key, it’s still no guarantee you won’t get sick WHILE you’re traveling.


So let’s find out how to stay healthy while you’re on vacation!


How to Stay Healthy During a Trip

Going on vacation can be one of the most exciting experiences of your life.


But it can also be stressful and worrisome. After all, you're now in a new location, and possibly in a different time zone and culture.


And being off of your routine in a totally unfamiliar area can start to wreak havoc on your health. But, don’t worry, you can take care of your health and still have a blast on vacation.


And a good place to start is keeping stress in check.


Stay Calm & Stress Less

Between packing, catching flights, and adjusting to a new location, traveling can feel overwhelming.


But don’t let that ruin your trip, or your health! Instead, try relaxation techniques like:


●     deep breathing exercises

●     meditation

●     mindfulness practices


Keeping a travel journal can also help manage stress by providing an outlet for your thoughts and experiences.


And if you still feel stressed out, supplements can help you out here, too.


There’s a number of natural compounds that can lower cortisol and increase serotonin, the happiness hormone.


Again, the key is to find a supplement that is highly absorbable and won’t make you feel drowsy, either.


And one that is TSA compliant and that can be purchased online.


But sometimes during traveling you may be completely stress-free and still feel burned out. Why?


Jet Lag

It’s a very real phenomenon, but also a beatable one. Let’s find out how!


Natural Jet Lag Remedies

Jet lag is a temporary disorder that disrupts your circadian rhythm and makes it difficult to sleep.


And if you’re traveling through one time zone or several, you’re likely to experience it.


Thankfully, you can get over jet lag by following some simple steps that don’t involve synthetic drugs. Such as:


●     engage in light exercise

●     grounding (walking barefoot on soil)

●     staying hydrated


And if after following these steps you’re still experiencing jet lag, once again, turn to a highly absorbable supplement.


A natural jet lag supplement will help you:


●     fall asleep

●     stay in deep sleep longer

●     support mental clarity

●     boost your energy


And with jet lag and stress in check you’ve gone a long way to look after your health while traveling.


But make sure you keep an eye on what you eat too…


Eating Healthy While Traveling


Eating out is always a risk, because who knows how clean a restaurant’s kitchen really is.


And it can be even more of a risk in a new area.


While maintaining a nutritious diet while traveling can be tricky, it's doable with some planning.


Research restaurants in advance to find healthy options and consider packing your own snacks like nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.


Opt for whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.


And while it’s natural to indulge on vacation, try to avoid processed snacks and fast food, which can leave you feeling sluggish and run down.


And if you follow all of these simple tips, staying healthy while traveling will be easy and fun.


But it doesn’t end there. Because sometimes sickness can creep in AFTER a trip.


Let’s find out how to avoid that!


How to Stay Healthy After a Trip


Traveling can be exhilarating, but it can also take a lot out of you.


Sometimes you don’t realize how exhausting a trip was until you get home and crash.


Plus, despite your best efforts, it’s possible you caught a bug while traveling and now you’ve brought it home with you.


Don’t let an amazing trip get spoiled by getting sick as soon as you get home!


Here’s how to recover from a trip and stay healthy.


And it starts with a good detox!


Post-Travel Detox

After a trip, it's crucial to help your body detox and recover.


What’s a detox exactly?


There’s many ways to go about it, but a detox involves removing toxins and harmful pathogens from the body.


Regardless of the detox plan you come up with, start by rehydrating with plenty of water to flush out toxins.


And incorporate light, nutritious meals, rich in organic food, to support your body's recovery.


Also, consider supplements that will ensure your immune system stays strong, and supports your body from head to toe.


After you’ve detoxed, one of the best things you can do to stay healthy is get back to your normal routine.


Easing back into your regular routine can help combat post-travel fatigue, and avoid sickness


Start by gradually adjusting your sleep schedule to match your home time zone.


Prioritize a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest to restore your energy levels.


Create a to-do list to organize tasks and reduce the overwhelm that often comes after returning from a trip.


And just start getting back into your daily habits and rhythm!


Traveling Doesn’t Mean Sacrificing Your Health

 Imagine this:


Next month you’re finally in your dream vacation spot. You’re out all day hiking, taking pictures, and eating amazing cuisine. And you’ve never felt better!


While you’re seeing other travelers coughing, sneezing, and unable to keep their eyes open, you’re in the best health of your life!


And after reading this post, you’re equipped with all of the information you need to make this a reality.


Staying healthy while traveling has never been easier.


So safe travels and stay well!


















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