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SpectraSpray's RECOVER vegan spray supplement is a unique blend of B vitamins and amino acids to help your body ‘Recover’ from stress and activities that drain your energy levels.


Whether you have a late night, are working out, traveling or partying, RECOVER's amino acids and B vitamins can provide the much-needed restoration to help you get back on track with added energy and vitality with a few quick sprays, without high doses of caffeine.


Nutrients are delivered to your body with lightning speed and optimal potency.


The B vitamins are known to aid in energy production, and since all but B12 cannot be stored in your body, supplementation is crucial. Vitamins A and E have been known to support your immune system and possibly counteract the onset of energy-draining conditions.


RECOVER works double duty as a breath freshener! Odors left behind by alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, garlic, onions are effectively hidden by this blend of ginger, licorice, parsley and other other natural herbs.


Features & Benefits

  • Vegan – All natural ingredients
  • Helps decrease fatigue
  • Supports mental focus
  • Caffeine free-jitter free
  • Freshens breathe naturally


Nutrients are third party tested for solubility and stability. Manufactured in the USA according to the strictest GMP standards.


Diabetic and Bariatric patient friendly. TSA compliant. Sugar free, gluten free, dairy free. No binders, fillers or allergens. Non-GMO.  30 servings| 240 sprays | 8 sprays each.



RECOVER + MEND Spray Vitamin

$21.95 Regular Price
$17.95Sale Price
Price Options
One-time purchase
Save 10% monthly
$16.16every month until canceled
every 2 months
$17.05every 2 months until canceled
  • These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to prevent, cure, diagnose or treat any disease.

  • Vitamin B1- Thiamine: A vitamin workhorse |is an essential nutrient that all tissues of the body need to function properly. Thiamine was the first B vitamin that scientists discovered. This is why its name carries the number 1. Like the other B vitamins, thiamine is water-soluble and helps the body turn food into energy

    Vitamin B6 – The body heeds B6 for more than 100 enzyme reactions involved in metabolism. It has a positive influence on the production of serotonin; a brain chemical that alters mood and affects the ability to cope with stress.

    Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 along with B6 are best for energy. Almost every cell in the body uses B12. Besides helping form red blood cells and DNA, B12 converts fat and protein to energy. We use the active form of METHYLCOBALAMIN which absorbs better and faster in most individuals, especially if there is genetic variation in the MTHFR gene.

    Glycine - As a neurotransmitter (brain hormone) glycine both stimulates and inhibits cells in the brain & central nervous system affecting cognition, mood, appetite, digestion, immune function, pain perception and sleep. Glycine also supports the production of glutathione, aa very important intracellular antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.

    L- Cysteine - is important for building some of the body’s most powerful antioxidants. It is one of the amino acids the body needs to build glutathione, which helps protect the body from free radicals. Cysteine has also been linked to fighting free radicals that may develop after exercising, which may help prevent inflammation and expedite recovery

Why Spray Vitamins?
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Highest Absorption
(Better than pills, capsules, gummies, liquids, patches + injections.)
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No Binders + Fillers.
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Gluten Free. Dairy Free. Sugar Free
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No Water or Pills to swallow.
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Take Anytime.
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Non GMO.
All Vegan or Vegetarian.
Why Spray Vitamins?
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Highest Absorption
(3x better than pills + capsules)
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No water needed.
No pill swallowing.
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Take Anywhere, Anytime.
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No artificial dyes, colors, binders or fillers.

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Gluten, Sugar + Dairy Free.
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GMP Certified
Shop Lifestyle Kits.


“ Thank you Spectraspray for creating an easy-to-carry energy spray that’s all natural and works fast! I actually shared it with my walking tour friends recently in Italy. We really needed the boost.

- Francesca Bartolo, Age 56


“Immune spray is the best thing that’s happened to travel for me! I have a compromised immune system, and cannot travel without support to stay well. It works every trip, where I used to get sick every trip! ”

 - Donna G, Nutrition Consultant

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